Tuesday, 26 May 2009

An unforgettable trip

This is one book created about our trip. Your work, now, is to create one of them explaining how it was and what you did. Take this one as an example and start creating!!!

| View Sample Photo Books | Create your own Photo Book

Again... a BIG example of illiteracy

Wanna be an English illiterate???

That's for sure the answer is nooo. So please, try to improve your level of English with some of the online activities you will find in this link: http://www.agendaweb.org

Sunday, 10 May 2009

La Maria es vol comprar una camisa que val 30€. Ara, a la botiga en fan un 15% de descompte. Quant li costarĂ  ara la camisa a la Maria?
Escriu un comentari resolent aquest problema amb aquesta calculadora.